The Must Have Brand’s In Your Wardrobe!



The world is all about big brands, especially if you belong to a higher or rich class and meet that kind of friends and family. It also makes a difference if you are a Owner of a Business or a Manager, you want to show-off, the world is about show-off and having an expensive watch, a designer suit is the ultimate way to impress anyone. Wanna look Rich? Classy? Wear particular brands of clothes, shoes and have particular branded accessories.

When it comes to clothes some of the shirts and t-shirts of particular brands stand out. Some of the best brands in shirts/t-shirts:

  • Gucci
  • Tommy Hilfiger
  • Armani
  • Levi’s
  • Polo

Best Brands in Jeans

  • Levi’s
  • Lee Cooper
  • American Eagle
  • Diesel
  • Versace

When it comes to sportswear Nike, Adidas and PUMA are elite.

When it comes to watches TagHeuer, Piaget, Louis Vuitton, Mont Blanc, Van Cleef are popular.

Having an Iphone or Blackberry also makes a difference, also have a branded leather wallet.

So stop waiting and get the best of the best brands and show them to the World.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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