The New Lava Iris Pro



It is a big achievement for an Indian company to sponsor an event in America, the IIFA awards 2014. For a company with humble origins as a chip developer, Lava mobiles have come a long way from there, dominating the market over strong competitors like Micromax and Karbonn. Its has come across many tie ups biggest being intel tie up. Launching models under the brand name Xolo this company came back as an answer too canvas series.

But now talking of their latest model Lava Iris Pro 30. its sleek elegant and value for money. With an iPhone like design a lot of its android features give it superb selling potential. Below given are some of its best features.



1)Camera and display

The camera and display of the device is what makes it so unique. With front and rear cameras having 8 and 3 megapixels. The display has a lot of color and a 720/1280 display made to fit the 4.7 inch screen size. But this display doesn’t give the expected HD output.



2) Ram & Internal

Ram and Internal storage do not have so much load capacity to bear the load what the phones app hungry user is dishing out. The 1 gb ram and 4 gb memory doesn’t prove sufficient enough. Plus the performance of the device isnt like its high end Xolo phones.



3) Battery life

2000 MAH battery life is another down side to the same model. With models having 4000 mah to being dish out capacity for a day’s output. This small battery package wont help out much.


While coming to an end of this analysis of the phone all cause of its previous glory Lava phones have reached the mark of sponsoring IIFA awards in Tampa bay. But the sad reality is resting upon laurels of Xolo’s success has made the Lavas original phones deliver less than their starting iris series expected greater will to development. Let us hope this brand to picks up like its sister brands greatness.

-Aditya Chavan


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