The Power Of Forgiveness: How To Let Go Of Grudges



At a point of time, each one of us has felt betrayed, wronged, lied to or cheated. But keeping grudges for them simply does no good.

Here are reasons you shouldn’t keep them:-

  • Holding a grudge takes more energy than letting it go:-

In order to hold a grudge you have to constantly run a negative experience through your mind over and over again, especially when and if you see the person – what they’ve done, what they should of done and how they did it. When you see them, you even replay it more vividly than before! What are you getting out of it? Do you think you’re teaching them a lesson? Life is too short to waste any energy on holding a grudge. Live and let go!

  • Holding a grudge jeopardizes your own happiness:-

Odds are if you hold one grudge, you are probably holding a whole bunch of grudges towards various people and events. How can you be happy if your mind is full of reasons to hate, dislike and disconnect? Put your happiness at the forefront of your mind. If not for people,do it for yourself!

  • Holding a grudge makes you and your life smaller:-

Holding grudges limits who you will interact with, where you will go and what you will try. When we don’t grow we become smaller. We shrink. Don’t allow your grudges to limit you, sabotage you or spoil the quality of your life. So do it right away!


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Riya Lokhande


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