The Power Of Politics



It is well known that if you are in politics you are a powerful person as you have some advantages over other normal people. Especially in India, politicians are the most powerful people as they can do whatever they want, good or bad. That power comes when you are the king, you are in charge and people will have to follow you and it will be upto you to help the people who trust you or just help yourself for selfish reasons. In politics it’s all about power. People fight for the chair entire life, sometimes they lose sometimes they win, it is a game.

For example, like right now in India BJP won the general elections with an absolute majority. So now they have the ‘power’ because there is no other party involved in the merger to make a government and that is important as many people have said that the failure of previous government was due to mergers of so many regional parties.

Politics is regarded as dirty, always a bad feeling comes to mind when someone uses the word politics and that is the truth but the political power can be used to help the nation. With the power you can make policies and terms which can help take nation forward.

In ancient times there have been good kings and bad kings, some who spent their time helping their people or some spent their time increasing their own power by fighting kings of other regions. It’s all about the attitude of the person who is in charge. He can make it or break it. He can use the power for his selfish reasons and gain wealth etc or use it for people and gain respect.

It just depends on how the power of politics is used, negatively or positively. Hopefully if it is used positively, it can give a massive strength to people who trust their leader and help develop their lives.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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