The Pro’s and Con’s of Dating Your Best Friend!



Dating is a normal thing now-a-days. Either attraction or love which results into dating but there are some relations which just take off without any genuine feelings too. Today people don’t shy away from dating and are not even hiding their personal lives. In fact social media has led to the display of emotions and personal lives have transformed into timeline. The most common story of love is however, we were best friends or we knew each other for the longest time. Most of the people tend to fall for their best friends. Some are best friends from school others from college. However I feel there are some pro’s and some con’s of dating one’s best friend.

PRO’s :-

  • He/she knows u inside out
  • Great understanding and bonding
  • You don’t have to think before talking to him/her
  • Won’t ever judge you
  • There’s a sense of comfort
  • Have the same set of friends
  • Some very good memories from school or college (not to mention, birthday party’s every year)
  • Always be by your side (through thick n thin)
  • Can share any happy or sad moment (without any hesitation)
  • He/she knows how to lift your spirits
  • Knows your family and bonds with your sibling
  • Knows every little secret

CON’s :-

  • He/she knows u inside out (at times, may not work in your favour)
  • He/she may get insecure or possessive
  • Time and space issues (too much of sweetness ruins the dessert)
  • May or may not adjust with your new set of friends
  • With time some people change and some don’t… Individuals tend to outgrow the relationship
  • In the event of a break-up, you lose your best friend of years… ‘a girl and a guy cant remain friends’, I just don’t get it
  • Knows every little secret (may go against you)

 If you’ve found the love of your life, good for you. If not, just look around maybe he/she is right next to you and you just don’t seem to notice, could be one of your best friends. But before you take the plunge do visit the pro’s and con’s once again. All the best.

– Anjani Nautiyal

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