The Quick and Easy, Step by Step Guide To Create A Perfect Slicked Back Ponytail



There’s no style out there that a perfectly slicked back high ponytail is not able to fully complement. For summer 2014 you can wear it with pretty much everything, if you aim to add a super-polished and sexy finish to your looks. Use the slick ponytail to pull off different types of looks.Here are steps you should follow:


Start building the hairstyle by following your usual routine of washing and conditioning the hair. Keep in mind that perfectly clean hair is the foundation of a perfect ponytail. On your still damp hair, apply a protective straightening lotion and blow dry the hair straight back with a natural bristle brush.


Using a nylon and boar bristle paddle brush, comb your hair right below the crown of your head, smoothing the front and the sides as you brush your hair back. While holding the hair with your right hand, use the left hand’s fingertips to add a tiny amount of hair-gel serum and spread it all over your hair. Start a half inch back from your hairline for added hold and sheen.


Fasten the ponytail opting for elastics that allow for easy removal, yet hold your hair very tightly, much like a Bungee Cord which is designed especially for bump-free ponytails.


If you aim to achieve a longer ponytail that’s also super thick, you can always choose to work some hair extensions into the style by wrapping them around the ponytail, once this is tight and fastened.


Next, spray a finishing thermal spray on your ponytail and use a flat iron to make the hair stick straight.


After your ponytails is secure, take a small piece of hair and wrap it around the ponytail to polish its appearance, or to conceal the extensions. Use bobby pins to secure the wrap underneath the ponytail.


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Riya Lokhande


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