The Railway Fare Hike And You The Faithless Pessimistic Indian!



Railway Fare’s Hike in a city like Mumbai is truly hitting hard where it hurts, we commute far in this city of seven islands and that’s how its always been. For a Mumbaikar commuting isn’t an option to choose, its your destiny, and its been hiked up almost three times so what is it going to ensure? It will ensure that ticket less travel by a majority of the city’s population who wont be able to afford the rates or it will ensure you don’t ignore the metro because hey it’s costs almost as much. Its the worst situation a Mumbaikar can be put in because after facing price hikes for onions, sugar or even petrol this is one area which will hurt just as much.

This post isn’t to criticize the government because is there any point in doing so? The world’s largest democracy after a long period of time came together to choose Mr. Modi as our PM. So my question to you is can an entire nation be wrong in making decisions? Are we so dumb or so naive? is this our self-concept or the reality we are waking up to? The minute the prices rose up people started blaming the new Government in effect blaming your own decisions! 

When you curse them just think about the fact that he came into power by his deeds and not just mere words, he may have had an excellent marketing strategy but is the entire nation so gullible that all of us voted for him merely on basis of marketing gimmicks? Either accept that the world’s entire democracy was wrong, or give him time to work it out! I am no ardent supporter of any political party but the  way in which there is pessimism and hatred in the minds of people truly makes me wonder how can such a huge country be so utterly moody and not stand by your own decision! Hum Itne Kamzoor Hai Kya Bhai?

The price hike is enormous and mahn does it hurt like hell! But has playing blame games ever been the solution? Did it work when your railways were blasted down? when you couldn’t afford sugar or when you cried to decrease the petrol rates? Don’t spread hatred, you show your cowardice by doing so, if you can help do so and in case you consider yourself helpless then God save such a poor faithless mind!

This is a democracy, speak up! This new governament is known for their willingness to connect via social media and did you so easily forget the entire ‘Chai pe Charcha’ program? there are measures you can take, the only question is are you brave enough to take them?   

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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