The Real Life Heroes


When we talk about the life of soldiers the first thing that comes in our mind are soldiers. They are the pride of our nation they do unforgettable duties to save our nation to save people. The role which a soldier plays in defending and protecting the borders of India is really unparalleled. A soldier is the most disciplined person of the nation. On him depends, to a great extent, the security and the stability of the nation.

But when the people are asked 1 simple question who is your favorite hero we all proudly say ya Shah Rukh khan, Salman Khan, etc. but we never say the soldiers of our country is a real hero. We actually don’t think of them as we are so busy in other activities. We only remember them when independence day, republic day comes. We are so busy with our schedule that we don’t even think the life which we are living so peacefully it’s because of soldiers who don’t have time to live a peaceful life as common people are living.

A soldier’s life, no doubt, is very difficult and hard. A soldier is a man, who keeps night – long vigils on the borders even in the face of great and grave dangers, for he stands heroically before the force of the enemies. When the question is asked to a person what do u want to become in future every buddy says I want to become a doctor, engineer, this and that but hardly anyone says I want to become a soldier of our nation.  A soldier faces death bravely. He fights to the last, in order to save his motherland. He sacrifices everything for the sake of the nation. It is he who has to live miles away from his family. It is he who gets into jaws of the death while defending his country. We all do our duties as per our requirement or our wants. Our parents do their duties towards their family to full fill the need of the family.  But the only person who is lives his life far away from his family. He does his duties just like an internet 24*7 service providers. We all some way or the other a selfish type of a person some people except it some people don’t. we do anything to finish our job, we feel jealous by others when they get a very good marks, job, a well settled life,etc but the soldiers are the one who don’t feel such things though they also have a feelings but the feeling is for the nations of how they want to save our nations. We all think about of future plan, our parents plan about their children’s what they will become in future, and do so many things to may their child to achieve his future goal, but the parents of a soldier thinks will my child come back what he may be doing now.

We all are so taken care off by our parents that when we go away from our parents even for 2 to 3 days our parents call so many times a day and ask have u eaten anything, don’t do this don’t do that it is not good for u. but the parents of a soldier have to become so strong as they cant every time call him up and ask him such questions. We think about after completing our education we will go abroad and earn and live a well settled life by earning high salary. But we never think about the salary of a soldier even earning a low income they don’t feel demotivated, or why should I work when we get a low salary, because they don’t think only for their own but they think for whole nation. They always want to make the flag of a nations fly in air in everywhere.



“…It is a proud privilege to be a soldier – a good soldier … [with] discipline, self-respect, pride in his unit and his country, a high sense of duty and obligation to comrades and to his superiors, and a self confidence born of demonstrated ability.”
― George S. Patton Jr.

We should always be thankful to our soldiers who not only do their duties but the duties they perform without any selfishness. We should be thankful to them for letting us to live our life so peacefully by keeping their life in danger to save us and save our nation and let our flag tiranga jhanda fly proudly by in air.

Jaan hai hamari hamara watan

Shaan hai hamari hamara watan

Kurbaniyon se humne payi hai aazadi

Aan hai hamari hamara watan


A Salute to our Indian Soldiers……







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