The REAL Reasons For Ban of UBER




Uber is an online app which allows you to book taxis online. Which is actually very convenient but there have been incidents which has led to the ban of Uber.

Uber has been fighting many cases in the US and world wide.

According to department rules, any web-based transport/taxi service has to get a licence from the department before it can operate in the city. That is the basis of the department’s orders banning app-based companies like Uber. It’s not known whether Pooch-O is covered by the ban. DIMTS officials indicated it wasn’t. The transport department spokesman explained the ban as saying, “The reason is passenger safety. If the service provider isn’t accountable, passenger safety cannot be ensured. That is the reason why these app-based services are being asked to register with the transport department.”

Policemen escort driver Yadav who is accused of a rape outside a court in New Delhi

New Delhi’s reasons for ban of Uber

The Uber taxi driver held on suspicion of raping a passenger in India is a career criminal who was out on bail for sexually assaulting a woman, the Delhi police said, raising fresh concern about the safety of using the popular U.S. cab company.

Maharashtra government has decided to join Delhi in banning all web-based taxi services. Hyderabad has already effected the ban on Uber. Authorities in Bangalore demanded that all drivers should undergo background checks by December 31.

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Rajvi Desai

my hobby is singing.


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