The reality behind the true face of CINEMA AND GLAMOUR!



They emerge with a dazzle, a personality so stunning which exudes charm every time you see them. Their glossy hair brushed back in style and their entry on the screen oh-so-jaw-dropping! You adore them (needless to mention), they are no commoners but you’re favorite actors.

You are so attracted by them that even if they are wrong in anyway and someone tells you about it you’ll tend to snap and the glitz and glamour makes you want to be like them. You want their swag (as you say).For some of us, it is merely the glamour aspect of cinema that attracts us and wants us to be like our stars. But is this the true essence of cinema? Glamour, that’s it, really? It is essential to maintain yourself but you can get more heads turn with an impeccable screen presence, simply because it’s more about acting and reaching intimately to each member of the audience that makes a movie successful. The authentic nature of cinema is more about getting the audience so absorbed in the movie. So was it, 100 years ago where movies were socially relevant and the way the actors laugh or cry would keep you so hooked that you won’t care to see if they are in a designer garb or they have an exotic hairdo. You’ll just see them sans makeup, without focusing too much on the “glamour” aspect and they simply pull it up! They become a sweetheart of a million hearts! Panache, ain’t it?

It is cinema today which is a bit contrary. It is the flounce and flourish which most might be obsessed by. False eye-lashes, false nails and false hair and fragrance that reeks of money! From far it is the glitz and glamour which attract you but when you come close you realize it is a nauseating self-indulgence, a sickening distortion today.


-Misbaah Mansuri

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