Its 7.30 P.M in the clock and “We have to reach at 8.00 P.M at Mulund College of Commerce”, said Jimmy Jericho (A graduate from MCC). “What? Just half hour and we are not yet ready man”, said Valencio Vendetta. “Keep Calm we will get there on time man, stay cool”, said Sky Stasiak. Jimmy Jericho, Valencio Vendetta and Sky Stasiak – the trio are ex-students of MCC and now they are known as ‘JVS Detective League’.
“It’s the time to go back to our good old days” said Jimmy Jericho. Valencio and sky replied “Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!” – It’s MCC’s Reunion tonight at 8.00 pm, let’s go.
“So here we are at MCC”, said Jericho. Everyone was present there the seniors, juniors, teachers, good old friends too. It is a time to enjoy and refresh our memories.”
Here comes Rahul Vora, the most famous student of our college during our era and also Shailesh Tiwari his enemy. Shailesh and Rahul had been involved in much chaos that too place during college time and they were bad enemies. They never liked each other and never wanted to see each other’s faces. They used to be enemies but what we see today they are friends. Everyone was shocked to see that. Shailesh shakes hand with Rahul Vora and that is miracle – said Jimmy Jericho to sky and Valencio. “It’s unbelievable”, said Sky. During this time Valencio replied “I am getting bad feelings. Something bad is going to happen here”. Sky said “Keep Calm and think positive”.
The Reunion was going good and DJ was playing the song “CRUISE” by “FLORIDA GEORGIA LINE” band. It was good and now it is dancing time. Everyone is on the floor enjoying their fullest. And then we see that there is some problem in the middle. Shailesh dropped some drink on Rahul Vora’s blazer. Shailesh and Rahul went to washroom and came back and it is normal now. They again started behaving in friendly manner.
Everyone took their seat and some food and drinks were available to eat. Near the food counter we see Rahul Vora is fainted. Immediately Valencio Vendetta checked Rahul’s nerves and he replied,”Sky and Jimmy, I said before I got some bad feelings”. He is dead said Valencio. The crowd was shocked after hearing this news.
Jimmy Jericho said, “It’s a crime scene, call the police” and now it’s the time for JVS Detective League to solve this case. What is the problem here, I have to get deeper in thoughts now, I am not able to guess what caused his death”, said Valencio. Sky went near Rahul’s dead body and took a look on the pizza that Rahul ate. Sky got shocked when he saw and unusual substance on the pizza and detected that unusual substances is cyanide and this is the reason why Rahul died. Jericho said, “There are hundreds of people present here but why only Rahul died. This means this was intentional and it is planned”. Jimmy Jericho said, “Someone from us is the culprit”. Words came from the crowd that Rahul Vora, Sushant Taranal and Shailesh Tiwari are the owners of same company and there were some conflicts between Sushant and Rahul. So Sushant becomes a suspect here in this case. Sushant said the words and news of their conflicts are just rumours nothing more than that. Everyone believed that Sushant is the culprit as he has a purpose behind this. The Police took charge and grabbed Sushant. At that time Valencio said, “Officer, this situation is not as straight as we are thinking. Everyone here knows that Shailesh and Rahul were enemies and they became friend now, there is something wrong in this situation”. Jimmy Jericho went near Rahul Vora’s body and checked his blazers pocket and what he gets a cell phone in the pocket.
Jimmy Jericho said, “Officer, the culprit is not Sushant but Mr.Shailesh Tiwari”. Shailesh said I can’t be a murderer. I am innocent and everyone here knows Sushant is murderer because he has a purpose. Jimmy Jericho said, “I have a proof that tells you are the murderer”. Shailesh gets shocked.
Jimmy Jericho says, “When you dropped the drink on Rahul’s blazer that was intentional and it was planned by you long before and then you went to washroom with Rahul. Rahul Vora was angry on you but when you both returned back you both were reacting normal. As Rahul Vora has to attend the ceremony you told Rahul to exchange your blazers”. Shailesh replied, “Our blazers are almost same”. Jericho replies, “No shailesh you changed it because I got your phone from the blazer that Rahul’s pocket and your phone has some cyanide on it and no keeps cyanide on a phone. Rahul might have touched your phone but recognised it as his phone and that cyanide got applied on his hands and when Rahul ate that pizza that cyanide got applied on pizza too and that results into his death and this whole scenario was planned by you.” Officer put this animal behind the bars said Valencio.
Shailesh got into trouble and finally confessed he is the murderer because, the company we own was in loss for years. Then Rahul Vora appointed me as manager of his company and slowly slowly me, Rahul and Sushant became equal shareholders in the company but now that Rahul wanted to take all the power and also threatened to remove me. So I decided to kill him as if Rahul dies I will get 50% of the company and nothing if he remains alive. That is why I killed him and shailesh cried.
Shailesh lost everything the company as well his life as he is imprisoned for 15 years in jail. And we lost one of our friend Rahul. May his soul Rest in peace…………….
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