The right BUZZ!


In today’s market of buyers; Brand promotion is toughest in the launch of a new product. Though that may not be the scenario with every product that is launched- be it Tangible, Intangible or something in between. The Right BUZZ is what is required.

The failure of many of the new products is not always due to lack of Funds to market the product, but many a time due to inappropriate marketing style, with no buzz around the brand.

Even if the deal is inevitable then still it requires a lot of Buzz to see fast-better & efficient outcome.

The Angry Birds which made up for more than a Billion downloads only in the AppleAppStore and a million more in AndroidPlayStore had to do a lot of maneuver to get those figures…and yes we know the kind of buzz they have maintained around their brand!

Today (21st, September) show of KBC had given a special fortune for a contestant to chat with Kareena Kapoor on show(via call). And yes you guessed it right…That was all made up for promoting her on cinema movie Heroine. Well I don’t know how effective that would had actually been but what followed KBC was the daily soap CID and it seemed more promising for brains behind promotion to set Kareena on CID promoting her new film Heroine with a dedicated episode!

We can see different styles in which a Buzz is created around the Brand, be it AngryBirds or Heroine. What matters is for how prolonged period the buzz needs to be there? For AngryBirds it’s immaterial of time and for Heroine it’s just a flick and go.


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Believes that social media is a unreliable tool & media is only about instant publicity. A lover of Economics. Writes occasionally. And when it come to biographical info or about me, I just can't write. Well I think jargons have have always been beyond my scope of interpretation,Whatever you have read till now was just written in an effort to takeoff my boredom ! And last but not the least, I don't have anything else to say now! @_@


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