The rise of Whatsapp and doom of my English!


whatsapp why u spoil my english

Walking on the road, sitting in the bus, while attending a lecture or in a business meeting what is the thing that keeps everyone busy? Whatsapp chats! Anyone who is everyone who has a smart phone is hooked on to this app that app that lets you share messages, pictures, video’s and even voice messages to anyone across the globe for free.

Any smart phone user can be certified a Whatsapp addict, with the constant texting, status updates, Selfie’s as DP’s and hilarious group chats, this is one app that kept everyone hooked on to it since quite some time now. But in the entire bargain of checking your ex’s last seen, criticizing your friend’s DP and laughing on people’s status messages  there is also one very significant change brought about by Whatsapp and other such texting app’s it’s the new brand of English they have created as their by-product.

The Sorry became srry and later became l8r, I stayed I but you turned into u, n b4 u knw it vil al b tlkng ths wy. Our spllngs hv gne 4r a toss n d Oxford dictnry discded 2 cmmit suicid cz o dat didn it? Lolz ofc u knw wht I mean bt do u understand wht I m tryn 2 pnt out? D fact tht u cn undrstnd ths clrly isn’t mah pt, my pt iz dat v need 2 do smthn abt it and switching on d dictnry or spell check in u r cell isn’t wht I m tlkn abt swt <3!

That was one paragraph I typed very quickly and didn’t even need to consult the word spell check 😛

What I am trying to say is that addictive as it might be texting has its negative in the disastrous diction it has brought along with itself. No we can’t get rid of texting and I truly don’t need to elaborate why, it’s self explanatory and while you read this statement your mind just conjured up several arguments in favor of texting so that’s not I where I am going with this post.

Let’s not brutally murder the English language and cultivate a habit of using proper English wherever we can. Read a bit, even in the digital format if you want to but read and write in appropriate English with proper spellings, because like all fad’s texting may die down, you never know! But the correct use age of language and appropriate diction will stay with you, benefiting you  in the long run!  

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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