The Road To The Grand Canyon


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The word nature can be described as the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, as opposed to artificial or human creations. Nature has always filled Man with wonder and awe from time immemorial. Can you imagine what could be the biggest wonder that Mother Nature has ever produced? Is it her imposing scenery or indescribable flora and fauna that springs from her? Well, to begin with, nature itself is a mysterious wonder.

Today many researchers and explorers are trying to showcase the breathtaking wonders of nature. The motive behind this article about a natural wonder is not only to introduce you to the magnificent treasures of Mother Nature but also to awaken the awareness that we must all work together to protect these wonders of our planet.

So let us take the Road To Grand Canyon and explore the massive structure.

The Grand Canyon is a rocky gorge in Arizona, USA. It was created by millions of years of wind and water erosion from the Colorado River, which cut through layer after layer of sediment. The rocks of the canyon walls range from 250 million years old at the top to over 2 billion years old at the bottom. Each layer of rock represents a distinct geological period of the Earth’s past. The canyon vista-with its incomprehensible size, deep color and rich display of rock layers- is unmatched by any natural display on Earth. It is over 1.5km deep, 14 km wide and 450 km long. Its moods and colors change with the hours and seasons. At dawn, the striped rocks are silver gold above the blue chasm below, while at sunset, the rocks blush crimson and moonlight turns them into a mysterious indigo!

In its deep plunge, the Grand Canyon’s terrain ranges from conifer forests to deserts, with river niches in between. These different habitats allow a great diversity of wildlife to live throughout the canyon. In the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River has cut through the accumulated layers of the Earth’s surface to reach some of the Earth’s oldest rock that lies at the bottom of the Canyon. Thousands of feet thick, the rock is made up of sediments. About 300 million years after it was formed, movements of the Earth lifted the rock up into a great range of mountains. Over time, the mountains eroded into plains. During the later ages, the entire region sank beneath an inland sea, Eons later, the region rose again as a high plateau and the former sea bottom was now on top. The ancient rocks came below it.

This is when the Colorado River went to work, first cutting into the upper layers about six million years ago. Carving inch by inch over the millennia, the river finally reached the oldest rocks more than a kilometer below the surface to create the natural wonder know as the Grand Canyon.

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The Grand Canyon is a beautiful and amazing place to see. The Canyon stretches for many miles and is full of rocks and valleys. The Grand Canyon is very wide across with a river that can be unforgiving and gentle as a lamb. The water rapids are a thrilling adventure as well. Many people have tried to jump across parts of the canyon and have failed, but there was one who succeeded and that was Evel Knievel son. He jumped across the canyon with his motorcycle and the help of rockets boosters, that’s one crazy person.  It’s amazing how over centuries the waters have craved their way throw the canyon walls creating a place of unbelievable site. There is so much to see and do at the Grand Canyon like taking hell rides canoing down the rapids, camping and just taking a mule back ride down the old dusty trails. Then there’s my favorite thing to do go canoing down the rapids then pitching a tent down by the shore with a roaring fire. If you’re not into camping there are plenty of lodges and hotels u can stay in that are very elegant.   So if you are an outdoors person or a nature watcher the Grand Canyon offers some exciting animals, like the soaring eagle, the Jake rabbit and those bad old rattle snakes. Unfortunate the Grand Canyon has had a few people that ended their life by jumping off the high ledges and there have been a few cars went over the cliffs went cost the national park money for they had to use big airlift helicopters to pull the wrecked cars out from the deep canyons. One person accidentally drove his car off the ledge and the car went down the ledge and smacked right into a tree witch stopped the car from falling any farther. So as u can see   the   Grand Canyon has   its good and bad but for the most part it’s at least a once in a life time thing to go  see and do.





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