The Secret To Success!



Success -a word that has a million different meanings to a million different people. So what is success? For some it is getting their dream job, for some it may be getting satisfaction out of the work they do, for a different personality it may simply be getting the love of his/her life! It won’t be wrong to say that success is an ambiguous word. So, is achieving success really simple? Or does it have more twists and turns than the Bollywood movies suggest?

The first step to achieving success is to identify would you excel at. If you are good at cutting a frog and finding its blood group and you have taken up commerce and studying why the rupee is falling against the dollar, then my friend, success would no longer be a term which would be used to describe you! Identifying and pursuing your goal would be the best step that you can take to even think about making it big. Remember, if the first card is not set straight, it wouldn’t take much time for all the other cards to tumble down! And as, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, the most influential president of the U.S says “Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other”
The second would be to do what you are passionate about. Passion is the ultimate driving force behind any and everything. Passion is what makes SHAH RUKH KHAN work day and night, passion is what makes SACHIN TENDULKAR play cricket matches on 55 consecutive days, it is what makes LANCE ARMSTRONG pick up that cycle and ride, and it is what also made MARK ZUCKERBERG invent Facebook. Passion is the soul of success. Take away the soul, and you are only left with a dead body! So do what excites you and success is sure to follow.

The next step would be to work hard! Now, it’s simple to think about doing something. But how many of us actually end up doing it? It’s something like everyone wants to top, but no one wants to study! Hard work and patience are old fashioned terms for our generation. But little do we realize that these things never go out of fashion. Till today, hard work is the only thing that which will help you succeed in life. Talent can never reproduce results if there is no hard work.  And hard work can sometimes be tricky. It may test you to the best of your ability. Imagine if Thomas Edison would have given up after a failed attempt to make a bulb, we would still have been waiting for sunlight to read! ”The reason a lot of people do not recognize opportunity is because it usually goes around wearing overalls looking like hard work” – THOMAS ELVA EDISON. How simpler can it get?

So is hard work and passion enough to achieve success? Probably not. As the saying goes, “That even an ass works hard but it can never replace the lion as the king of the jungle!! “ Hard work with a tinge of intelligence would be the perfect combination. You need to know where your efforts are heading. If you are working day in and day out on a topic that isn’t going to come in the papers, do you think you can get full marks in it? Your efforts need direction and it’s important you have the perfect motivation to drive you in that direction. You need to grab onto opportunities and that can happen only when you are aware and vigilant.

People say that hard work and setting a goal is theoretically alright, but in practical life you need luck too. So what is luck? According to some, it is that ‘x-factor’ that helps you in achieving something. But do you think that luck will come to you even if you don’t work hard? Answer is a big ‘no’. Ask any of the successful people and they will say that you create your own luck. The moment you start working hard, luck follows you in ways unimaginable. So stop thinking that you are unlucky and start working harder!

Success also comes when you have knowledge about the world you live in and also the world outside! For that reading is very important. Books, newspapers, e- books.etc.  Anything that can give you knowledge is useful to you. Also watching news channels, decent movies can give you an edge over others. Success doesn’t have any ‘mantra’. People who are cunning enough will find opportunities to succeed in life.

The best example would be our own prime minister, MR.NARENDRA MODI. From being a tea vendor to being accused of the Gujrat riots, he has seen it all but nothing has stopped him from becoming one of the most powerful figures of not only India but also the world! Another good example would be that of the most incredible story teller mankind has ever witnessed! Who else but J.K ROWLING? Everyone knows her because of the path breaking series of ‘Harry Potter’, but not many know that she initially had to face rejection from as many as 12 publications! Surprising’ isn’t it?

Success isn’t a walk in the park. It has to be earned not just by hard work and by being passionate about something, but also by being adaptive to situations and not getting disappointed when clashed with adversities. The ones who excel in this are sure to achieve success one day or another! And finally remember this every moment of your life, “Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom”- George.S.Patton





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Vanita Godwani
Hello, Vanita Godwani, a fybms student of Jaihind College, hobbies are drawing and helping needy people.I loved being a social media correspondent at .I am interested in pursuing by post graduation and later work in a multinational company being a honest and good high post official