The Secrets For Having Lifelong Friendship Revealed


Lifelong Friendship

Friendship is something which words can’t define. A connection between two hearts which is not love but even greater and deeper than love. It’s the most beautiful relation which begins with a simple smile and lasts till eternity. It does not see who you are or what you have achieved in life, it just finds the true person in you.  It’s a treasure even more precious than the jewels found on earth. Friendship knocks at everyone’s door but the person who understood its true meaning has obtained the essence of life.

There is no specific recipe or secrets to friendship; it is something which connects from heart to heart. Friendship begins when one starts understanding the feelings of his or her friend even before one can express it in words. Expressing one’s hearts is not always easy in front of anyone, but that one special friend knows what’s in your heart and can easily break into our self and explain things in a simplest manner. There cannot be understanding without honesty and loyalty. One needs to be loyal to their friend and always speak the truth without bothering whether your words will hurt them or no. Speaking the truth is always better than pretending to be true. Correct them in their wrong deeds and stick by them when they are in need. Fight yet forgive each other but don’t let the situation go out of hand. Respect each other’s decisions and value your friendship more than your egos. Share the deepest of deepest secrets without the fear of being judged; bear each other’s pointless dramas and together laugh on silly reasons, cry together when one is in pain. Friendship means standing by each other in thick and thin, sharing not only joy but sadness together.

Friendship has its own meaning which is different from person to person, but no one really knows what friendship actually is and from where and how it starts. A friend is like a priceless gift that one may ever want to have, one true friend is better than many fake ones.

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Daisy Pais


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