The Silky and Productive Blackberry OS 10


2014-06-12 16.21.09

Blackberry came up with Blackberry z10 Mobile Phone last year with its latest OS 10. Blackberry were late as people were switching to Android and it had made a formidable market share and then at last came BB OS which is really awesome but not many were interested due to lack of apps and lack of positive marketing.

But guess what Blackberry is back with the best. As soon as people are coming to know about bb os 10 and have used it they have fallen in love with it. It has a great user interface and in one year there have been many major apps launched in this OS and the best thing is that you can play Android apps in Blackberry, only a few people love it but imagine having best of the both worlds Android and Blackberry in one piece, isn’t it awesome.. Well it is awesome just talk to those Die Hard Android and Iphone fans. The UI is silky and smooth and you can do all your socializing, messaging, presentations in a faster way.


Another good thing about BB OS 10 is the updates. Blackberry has provided updates constantly, that means they are improving and now they the new update will be coming soon which is 10.3 this proves that Blackberry is not dead, infact it is much more alive than one can imagine. It will be coming out with many improvements.. Though this os is pretty improved..  It will surely enhance the experience. With the business and professional looking phones Blackberry has done a great job just a bit of marketing would help them more. Blackberry Phones like BB z10, z30, z5, Q5 and Q10 poses the Blackberry OS 10. So just have a look at them, if you enjoy it surely consider buying it as it has shown the capability of a great future.

 – Jainam Jhaveri

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