The Success Story of Christabelle Pinto, FYBMS, Bhavans College, Andheri




NAME : Christabelle Pinto


COLLEGE : Bhavan’s college, Andheri west

Scored a whooping 79.57% in Sem-I Examinations 😀




1. Tell us about yourself and your college

 My name is Christabelle Pinto and I am basically a student with a commerce background. I don’t plan my day to day goals and mostly go with the flow.  My college is very green, spacious and it always gives me a positive feeling towards nature.


2. Were you expecting to top in the exams? To whom would you credit this success to?

To be honest I did not have the slightest idea that I would top in the exams. I would like to give credit to my parents as they have always been my pillar of strength and guided me through life’s difficult paths with their experiences.

3. Did you start preparing right from the first day of your BMS?

No, I did not prepare right from the first day of BMS but gradually started studying as my teachers guided me.

 4. How did you allot time to different subjects?

The first important thing for a student to do before studying is to make a self made time table where he can judge his or her weak points and improve on the same by allotting more time to those subjects. I did the same. Studying for minimum of 1-2 hours on a regular basis will do the trick provided he or she is focused. I did not join any coaching classes and just followed what my teachers told me to do during the lectures.

 5. Did you participate in college fests or extra-curricular activities? Do you think a BMS student can manage both studies and extra activities?

Though I have not participated in college fests I believe that a person can manage both studies and extra activities if he or she is truly focused towards his or her goals and has the determination and is willing to work hard to achieve the goals.

 6. Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What do you have to say about this ? Did you use any special techniques for stress management?

Suicide is just a way to escape from your failures in life. It is basically a cowardly act by any person with no will power and no fighting spirit of come what may. I believe music is the best way to relieve stress even some meditation and yoga can do the needful. Families too need to be supportive and not put extreme pressure on the students.

 7. Industrial Visits – are they really informative for BMS students? Which industries have you visited?

Industrial Visits are really very informative as they give you a practical experience of how different things work rather than just reading from books. I have visited quite a few industries.

 8. Do you think a bms student is more flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams? What changes would you like to bring in management education?

Basically BMS is a course designed to give more of the practical experience to students and hence it is necessary to prepare projects, assignments and give internal exams. There is always scope for change with the demands.

 9. What message would you like to give to the coming batches of BMS students?

Life gives you a lot of golden opportunities but it is up to you whether to take it or to leave it so choose wisely and you will surely succeed in life.

10. What are the future plans?

 I want to complete my graduation and pursue a MBA in HR.


 11. Your Feedback for

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Bushra Shaikh

Food and Baking Enthusiast, An avid follower of the 80's music, fictional novels and The Hunger Games.


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