The Suffering Little Child’s Plight On Being Denied Education


India Poverty

I remember schooling was the best part of my education.  It is for everybody! Our schooling gives us the much needed foundation for our life ahead. I feel, in our country, attending school is a privilege. Our school shapes our personality and molds our character. 

But many in our country are deprived of even the basic education which is their fundamental right.

 destitue child2

The statistics match those of the year 2008. It raises so many questions on us as a democracy. The reason cited for this is the diminishing funds with the government. With every new scheme by the education ministry and still not enough students acquiring education, it’s a sad state for us as a country.The is a steady rise in the number of dropouts. We stand among the top five countries in the world with most children out of school.

A recent case in Mumbai, where children from the lower sector were denied admission even under the Right To Education. So it implies that now poor people don’t even have any right to dream for their children. A dream to see a better future. On one  hand, we have the rich kids moving out of the country into foreign universities and on the other hand there are these kids who need to strive for even the basic education.

There is only going to be a rise in the crime rates if this continues. These young bright minds are supposed to be at school, learning new things but sadly that won’t be the case. 

– Kashmeera Tambe

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