The Super Cute Reasons Why My Best Friend Is Actually My Soulmate


Best friends 

Every person once born is bonded in many relations without his or her own choice. There is just one relation we choose by ourselves and that is of friends. Friends have different meaning for each and every individual and for me friendship is something that I really can’t explain in words. Though we all have friends but there is just one among all the others who you can share with everything without hesitation and that person many of us call a soul sister, soulmate and most commonly a Best friend

    My best friend is a true soul mate and moreover a true friend. She is a person who cares for me like my own mom shouts at me like my elder sister and troubles me like a younger sister. When I am with her I forget the whole world. I don’t realize how the time passes and it is only her whom I can tell the most stupid of all things without any double thought. I won’t even say that we are one call far away from each other; our bond is so strong that as I think of her there will be a WhatsApp from her immediately.

     Though there are uncountable differences among us but we have accepted each other with those differences and weakness and that is what is called a best friend according to me. We cover each other’s weakness and together we make it as strength. We are like water and salt that when mixed together is impossible to separate. We are each other’s strength as well as weakness. When we are together we can achieve everything and when we are all alone we are nothing.

The most obvious example of this is our fights and assignments. We can do the assignments the best when we do it together and when we do it individually it is in vain. When we fight we don’t like anything around us we both become so sad that everybody easily understands that we have fought with each other and it is not only our parents but also our classmates who easily recognize. At times there have been instances where even when we are sitting separately for some time, everyone thinks we fought. Our life without each other is incomplete. We are best friends that together bitch about others, talk the most silly things, laugh on the maddest things and cry on an unwanted reason. Together we are mad and without each other we are sad.

  Every human should have a best friend one how can put a smile on your face just by his/her presence and one that can make you laugh when you have no reason for one. I have one, and so should  you all? We live once and life should be around such good people with whom life is always happening.

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