The True Face of Politics


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Politics! Politics! Politics! Gosh I cannot understand why there is so much of politics around the world. I guess that politics is just not my cup of tea. Actually if we go to see then politics is not that bad as what the social media is making it as. Politics is not just making rules and implementing it on the people. But real politics is to help people understand their responsibilities. When people understand their responsibilities, and follow the law and order correctly, the chances of making a developed country becomes higher.

Government should understand the rule that “TOO MANY COOKS SPOIL THE BRAT”. Likewise “TOO MANY RULERS SPOIL THE REGULATIONS”. There should be only one person in all to govern the whole country. When many minds work for the same thing, there are chances of clashes in it due to which there is a conflict. People should understand that they are resilient by force and not by choice. Whenever they feel that their rights are in danger and the government is doing nothing for it, they should unite together against such forces.

People should understand the utter strength of unity. Unity is the only thing that gathers people and forces the government to be in order. Politicians gain the faith of people and when they get elected they start to forget those promises made by them to the people who elected them. In this way people lose faith in their government and hence making them not follow the rules made by government. Politicians should understand that breaking the faith of people is easy but gaining it back is far too difficult. Politicians use the people’s money for their own satisfaction rather than developing the nation.

Putting the government officials on a minimum wage would make the things change much faster. We i.e. the common people, should understand our responsibilities and make a government that not only fulfills their promises but also makes people regain the faith that it’s never too late in making one’s country developed. It is us who choose our fate and government, so if we vote and help building a better government there is nothing better than blaming others for our fate.

– Jiten Godhania. 

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Kabeer Rath


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