The true spirit of Mumbai: A Mumbaikar can’t help but feel proud!


champion with disability

When the Mumbai Marathon event kicked off in 2004, former athlete Tonna Dugal thought about entering the race. That question was still unanswered when another thought came to her—why not sign up her 17-year-old son? Angad Dugal, who has multiple disabilities, had started walking only two months before the marathon was announced.

“We asked the directors to allow us to carry a chair, so that he could take breaks. We told them we will be the last runners in the last race. They agreed,” said 61-year-old Tonna. The gamble paid off as the media focus came to rest on the teen walking through a marathon with his family following with a plastic chair.

The Dugals and their chair were at the marathon this year as well.

Cheered on by race regulars, they were gladdened at the sight of more families participating in the 2.4km ‘Champions with Disability’ race.

Young Priyesh Shah was proud that his 19-year-old sister Dinkle came first among the differently-abled women participants. Dinkle, who finished her seventh race, said she has a special technique: “I maintain normal speed in the first leg and increase pace in the second half.” She was left wheelchair-bound after she suffered injuries to the spine in the 2001 Gujarat earthquake. Not that she allowed the injury to hold her back. “I like sports. I come here because I am made to feel special this day,” said the BCom student.

Like for Dinkle, the marathon has become a must for the Gada family. They were out in full strength on Sunday to support 22-year-old Ridhi Gada, a veteran of the event for eight years. “We might miss a wedding, but not this,” said a cousin of wheelchair-bound Ridhi. Though happy at the attention, first-time participant Chinmayi Shah’s mother Smita Shah found it overwhelming to keep up with her daughter, who has Down syndrome. “I wanted her to experience a marathon. But I have a back problem,” said Smita.

The story of the Dugals strengthens the undying spirit of such families. Tonna said her son’s communication skills and muscle strength have improved in these years. “Yesterday, Angad wasn’t feeling well, but we came because of the encouragement we receive. That keeps us going through the rest of the year.”

Every Mumbaikar who reads this has a heart full of pride towards the spirit of life brought forward by these special citizens and extreme joy when we look at the encouragement and support provided by the organizers and participants.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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