The ‘UNSUCCESSFUL’ Result Effect!



Your T.Y.BMS Sem 5 result showed ‘UNSUCCESSFUL’ and in that one moment all your preparation, hard work and hopes for a bright career went washed away into the drain. It felt like the world came crashing down and eventually you blamed everything you could for you failure. Pinning it on others; be it people or circumstances which didn’t help and now finally you have started cursing yourself.

Cursing yourself for the hours you didn’t put, the parties that you could have missed, the lectures you could have attended and so much more that the list is endless. Stop right there before you over think this ordeal! An exam result does not decide who you are or what your capabilities are all about.

An exam is taken to test your knowledge of all that you have learnt across the semester, it is done to provide you with accurate evaluation regarding the understanding of your subject and not to belittle you as a person or ridicule your capabilities. If you did not clear any paper this semester it wasn’t because you are worthless or you are not capable of studying a course like BMS, it’s just a simple reminder to tell you that you have not understood what the subject is all about and need to work harder on it so that you can accomplish your goal of becoming a successful manager.

You took up BMS with the complete knowledge that it is a tough course to pass and so the simple realization that you shall have to work hard came along with it. In the course of your past years, you studied as much as you could and put in your best efforts. You did that all the more in the past 6 months before your university exams and gave your best shot.

Maybe your circumstances didn’t favor you or your efforts proved to a little lesser than what was required but it definitely does not mean that you take the cowards way out and do something as silly as going into depression or committing suicide. In fact taking this one word that changed the course of your life, turned it up-side down and ensuring that you beat it is what a true BMSite would do.

We are all managers in making and throughout the years if there is one consistent thing that we have learnt is to grow, expand and ultimately reach success. Success doesn’t come without making efforts, without facing up to that ‘UNSUCCESSFUL’ word and ensuring that you beat the ‘UN’ out of it. Get yourself out of a self-pity and denial mind set because that will only bring you down; grow up and challenge yourself to match up to the hard work and efforts that a BMS student needs to put in.

Nothing is impossible, and the 51% BMS students who cleared it this Sem will vouch for that. Don’t envy them, beat them in the next semester and prove it to the world that it takes a lot more than one exam to get you down!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


  1. Even if i blame MU does it help? And not everyone who passed is a student who didn’t study or vice-verse, try finding out why you got a kt and work on clearing it; that would be a lot more helpful.

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