The Versatility Of Neutrals – A Must Have For Your Wardrobe!



A color can be called a neutral based on how effectively it can blend in with other colors and it is one of the most classy picks for the wardrobe.

Examples are cream, camel, olive, silver and gold which go with anything and you can never go wrong with wearing them for various occasions.

Also, neutrals are an indispensable part of any woman’s closet who has a classic clothing personality – wearing neutrals is a way to look simple and elegant!

Similar to wardrobe essentials, they are acceptable to wear for various occasions. You can wear the neutrals with whatever colors you like without looking too much. It’s also much easier to style because all colors go with them. Add them to any outfit you want to tone down and bring less attention to. You’ll find it much easier to create several outfit combinations with neutrals without having to ask yourself: what color goes with this green.
Basically, this is where you should , as they will last a long time and are timeless in sense of fashion.

They can be worn for all-year-around, but some neutrals tend to ‘boil hotter’ during some parts of the year. For example: black and gray in winter; blues, white, creams and browns for summer.

Depending on your coloring – if you’re warm, you’ll look best in neutrals with a warm undertone. If you’re cool, you’ll look better in neutrals with a cool undertone.

neutral shades

Tips on Buying Neutrals:-

Always secure each wardrobe essential in neutrals FIRST before buying clothes in complicated colors and patterns that don’t easily go with other colors.Your most expensive clothes should always be a neutral to ensure that you’ll get the most out of your money.Clothes that you wear often or are a part of a dress code at the office that you want to last a long time should be a neutral.

If you’re a warm-toned Spring or Autumn you’ll look best in neutrals with a warm undertone, such as gold, cream and chocolate brown. If you’re a cool-toned Summer or Winter you’ll look best in neutrals with a cool undertone, such as crisp silver, white, gray and navy.
Most Summers look better in soft and off-white because of their muted coloring, while many Springs may look their best in ivory than cream which is slightly less yellow than an Autumn’s cream.

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Why should you opt for them:-

They suit just about everyone because the  – they are neither too dark nor light, warm nor cool, and not too bright either.

Anyone can pull them off  easily.

However some seasons may look better in them than others.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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