The Woman I Want To Be


The woman I am and the women I want to be is far more different in certain aspects. Being a woman is the greatest gift from God to the world. We women are certainly more important rather equally important as men are to the world, industry and the home in particular. Just as men we women too contribute a lot towards the society. 50 percent of me is already transforming into the woman I want to be and the rest 50 percent is yet to come. There are many women I look up to who resemble every trait that a woman must have. The following 10 traits of the woman I want to be and in fact a lot of other women should be or already are.

  1. Independent:-

Being independent is one of the best feelings. It is a feeling of being free. Free to do whatever you want. A feeling of freedom. You have No one to blame and no one to take the credit but you. Being independent makes you feel proud about yourself that you do not have to be dependent on anyone be it your husband, your daddy or even your boyfriend. Even if it is the smallest of the things in the world, cooking, travelling or going abroad. If you can do it on your own then the happiness that you get and the feeling of contentment is just amazing. I see this independent quality in my mother. The one, who has given me birth, works at home and also was a sister in charge of a ward in K.E.M. hospital. She does all her duties well and with pride says that yes I am earning and do not depend on any one for income.

  1. Confident:-

Confidence is that strong powerful weapon that cannot break your spirit. Being independent leads to being confident. When you have your morale high automatically all falls in place. The good things and even the bad things can be handled when confidence is the weapon you carry.  When you are independent you are confident with what you do. You have an identity in life. We as individuals are known by our name but having a separate identity is important. You cannot just be someone’s wife or someone’s girlfriend. No offence to housewives who strive hard and make a house a home for the children and the husband and other family members.

  1. Emotionally strong:-

Woman faces such a lot of problems in life. They have to emotionally strong. A woman is said to be an ocean of deep secrets as told in the movie called titanic. But the universal truth is that women can’t keep secrets. Although their hearts desire a lot and have a lot to say sometimes their tears speak for themselves. Tears roll down when emotions take control and you feel a sense of a lump in your throat. You want to speak out your heart’s desire. Often in process of speaking our heart out we tend to give out the most personal and confidential secrets of our relationships and marriage that later takes a toll on us. Other men and women take advantage of this situation and try to get closer and finally become the cause your relationship. Controlling your emotions is important. Being strong is the way to be.

  1. Career oriented:-

Being career oriented today is very essential. The cost of living and the standard of living is high. In order to match up that standard it is important to actually have a good career. Being career oriented is what most parents want their daughters to be. They don’t want their daughters to be dependent on them rather have a career of your own and live the life you want to live with your head up high.

  1. Focused in all the tasks taken up

Focus is the main thing in life. Having a vision a goal, helps you focus. When you know your target is you will stay focussed. Many distractions like handsome hunks, boyfriends, friends and family problems come your way, but you should never lose focus. Not everyone can focus but you have to try and eventually you will find your way.

  1. Kind hearted and not heartless.

This is the most attractive part about a woman. A woman should be kind hearted and not heartless. She should have at least a smile on her face. The warmth is what men look out for. Many women throw attitude by walking upright and making faces or are even expressionless. A woman with an amazing body and no smile at all seems total cold blooded and dangerous to be with. You never know what she has in mind. She may be conspiring against you and the people around you.

  1. Trust – worthy.

The woman I want to be is someone who people can confide in. telling your deepest darkest secret to a person only means you trust them and they are the only person you can confide in. a girl cannot keep secrets, but a woman has an ocean of secrets hidden deep down in her heart. We know a lot about women and by leaking it out it may seem to make you a horrible person. When a secret is being told to you instead of telling others if it is affecting your relationship handle it in a mature manner.

  1. Friendly

Encouraging words and motivating gestures are all signs of being friendly. Being friendly doesn’t mean sticking to someone or interfering in their problems rather it is about helping people. Having a smile on your face, associating with people and not faking it. When a woman is quiet and doesn’t talk many men often hesitate to tell them stuff. You even lose on a lot of opportunities in the bargain of portraying yourself to be a quiet or an introvert.

  1. Calm and composed

A woman should be calm and composed. That is the woman I want to be. We woman are very hyper and aggressive when we don’t get a certain task done well. In the most difficult situations also keeping calm will often help. By unnecessary anger or getting hyper may result into a breakdown and also a lot of health issues. Keep a positive attitude and solve it accordingly.

10. Organised

Today women do a lot of multi-tasking that leads to stress. Stress can be reduced not completely avoided by being organized. One must know to strike a balance between work and home. We must work as long as we have a disciplined life. Discipline is a must in everything we do. Over doing something is bad. Thus I want to be a lot more organised and know to maintain a balance between professional and personal life. We often screw up our professional life due to the personal life problems.


  • Carren Bryne.

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