There are NO Jobs after BMS ?


” We studied 33 subjects for 3 years, dished research reports like preparing everyday roti’s , met industry people, toiled in viva’s and presentations and when we completed BMS ; we did not get a single job offer ” She said to me.

I was not surprised. I knew exactly why BMS grads weren’t getting jobs and the reason was not the BMS degree, but the individual.

Here are few pointers to help BMS students find a job :

1.) The job will not come to you. You will have to go to the job. Apparently that’s also why they call it a ” Job HUNT “

2.) Take up any job that has a lot of learning without thinking much about the brand name of the company. Not everyone is made for an MNC and not everyone is made for a startup.

3.) Before going for an interview, know

a.) What the company does

b.) What the profile offered means

c.) Do you have the requisite qualities that the job demands? Are you confident about achieving what the profile expects of you?

4.) Be clear if you want to pursue the job offered as a long term career option or if you want to take a break and take up an MBA

5.) Showcase the right attitude. You should be as much of a follower as a leader. Start with that entry level job and climb your way through hard smart work.

To all those people blaming your neighbour who suggested the course, that friend or relative who painted a rosy picture for BMS, your co-ordinator or the course, know that there are countless BMS grads who have made it big in the corporate world ( Just go through interviews section of for evidence ). The only person really to be blamed is yourself. Take onus, adapt and change and the corporate will embrace you.

Best Luck to all BMS Grads !


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Kartik Raichura
Kartik Raichura is the founder and CEO of - the world's leading management education focused community platform. A business post graduate from Welingkar Institute of Management, Mumbai, Kartik Raichura has been an author, a public speaker, and a social worker. He's also the recipient of Star Young Entrepreneur Award and has addressed the audience at Tedx Indore.

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