“There should be a separate 48 hours clock for a BMSite” says Nidhi Shah, Vartak TYBMS Topper 2013


A candid chat with Nidhi Sunil Shah, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper, Vartak College (74%)



  • So how do you feel for being the 1st rank holder in your college?

I was not expecting to top the exams. Credit goes to my Mom who believed in me more than myself. I am a person who believes in simplicity but always aimed high.


  • What was your Exam preparation methodology?

Being a BMS student, I never started my study from day one. Few weeks before the exams, I prepared my own notes which I always do and it helped me everytime.

I divided the 6 subjects for 6 days in a week and the 7th day would be relaxing and enjoying.

I never believed in ratta fying. I try to write answers on my own. I read the case studies questions first and then read the whole case study again twice so that while reading we can relate the questions and answers.

I took proper rest during exams time and never studied till late night but whenever I sit for study, I give 100% attention.


  •  Do you think BMS student require coaching classes or is self-study enough? Had you joined any coaching class for a particular subject?

I had a weak background in Accounts and Maths as I was a student of MCVC not done commerce or science. So for in depth studies of practical subjects I had joined coaching but not all subjects because theory are those where we should use our words after understanding the concepts. BMS.co.in has helped me to understand many concepts in an easy manner for theory subject. Thanx to them.


Your views on internships and college fests?

I feel a BMS student can manage both college fests and extra-curricular activities alongwith studies because we are FUTURE MANAGER 😉

Even I have performed in my college fests and events during my FY and TY. I had done 1 month internship with ICICI Asset Management in HR department during summer vacations wherein I worked on HRIS system which was helpful in HRM subject.


  • Do you think BMS students are flooded with assignments, projects and internal exams round the clock?

Yes, 24 hours are less to complete all this. There should a separate clock of 48 hours for a BMS student ;). I don’t say that assignments should not be given but it should be which brings out productivity in us and this cannot be achieved by solving past 5 years papers.


  • What message would you like to give to the next batch of BMS students?

 Try to do those projects from which you will gain knowledge and not just marks. Do not be marks oriented. I know being a BMS student we cannot start studying from very first day of curriculum but surly see to it when you study, you need to be faithful to yourself.


  • What are the future plans post BMS?

I will be giving my CAT exam in coming october  and MBA in HR.


  •   Any Feedback/Suggestions for BMS.co.in?

You guys are doing best job. Keep motivating us.




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