Things 7 Successful People Do Every Night


bed time

We all know that the last thing we do at night affects our mood and energy level the following morning and the whole day. Morning routines are great as they have a huge impact on your whole day but the night rituals can have a serious impact to your success.

Here are some of the successful people bedtime rituals:

1- Barack Obama.


President of US Barack Obama claims himself to be a “night owl” and describes his typical evening ” Have dinner with the family, hang out with the kids, and put them to bed about 8:30 p.m. And then Ill probably read briefing papers or do paperwork or write stuff until about 11:30 p.m., and then I usually have about a half hour to read before I go to bed … about midnight, 12:30 a.m. — sometimes a little later.” in a 2011 interview with Newsweek. 

2- Benjamin Franklin.


Inventor Benjamin Franklin, in his autobiography, outlined his “moral perfection.” Every night before going to bed he asks himself “What good have I done today?” He described his other rituals before bed as “put things in their places, supper, music or diversion or conversation, and examination of the day.

3- Sheryl Sandberg.


Facebook CTO Sandberg says that she switches her cell off so that she does not get woken up. Also she checks her mail first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

4- Winston Churchill.


The British prime minister kept to a constant daily routine no matter what happened. In the book “Daily Rituals: How Artists Work,” author Mason Currey recorded Churchill’s schedule:

Around 5 p.m., the prime minister would drink a weak whisky and soda before taking a nap for an hour and a half. Churchill said this siesta, or short nap, allowed him to work for 1.5 days every 24 hours. When he woke, he bathed and got ready for dinner.At 8 p.m., Churchill would eat dinner, which was often followed by drinks and cigars well past midnight. Due to his irregular sleep schedule, Churchill was said to hold War Cabinet meetings in his bath.

5- Arianna Huffington.


Arianna Huffington reads only “real” books before bad. She tells to ban iPads, laptops etc.

6- Keval Desai.

Keval Desai

Keval Desai, a former Google product director and current partner at InterWest Partners is also a night owl. In talks with Lydia Dishman at Fast Company he says that he picks up one project and does not go to bed until it is completed. Further he adds,” During the day most of my time is spent in meetings with entrepreneurs, and the only time I can find alone to do work that requires some concentration is when the rest of the household is asleep.”

7- Bill Gates.

Bill Gates

The Microsoft Billionaire reads for almost an hour at night before going to bed, no matter what time he gets home. He enjoys deeply informative and beautifully written books( he recommended 6 books in June)

-Vatsal Doshi

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