Things That You Ought To Know About Bulandshahr


Bulandshahr is a situated in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India.It is also the administrative head of the Bulandshahr District.The District of bulandshahr is in Meerut region of Utter Pradesh located between Ganga and Yamuna rivers.The distance between Bulandshahr and New Delhi is 77.5 km and it takes 1 hour 26 mins to reach there.


  • Random Facts

    1. Hindi is the official language.
    2. It has a total populatin of apprx. 3,00,000 people which is considered to be low as compared to other Indian Places.
    3. The sex ratio is also apprx. 892 males/female.
    4. 58% of population follows Hinduism, 40% people are muslims and rest all either follow Jainism or any other religion.
    5. The Literacy Rate is almost 80%.


  • History Of Bulanshahr

    • (Pre)-Ancient History

      According to the Indian History this place was a capital of Indraprasth and Hastinapur while the Pandavas were the rulers.After the decline of Hastinapur when Pandavas became the superior power and Ahar in the district became an important place.

    • Medieval History

      A king named Ahibaran laid the foundation of a tower called Baran(Bulandshahr).Also it was perched on a highland so it came to be known as highcity which was translated as Bulandshahr. At present the city and distict is called by this name.
      The ancient ruins found at places Bhatora Veerpur, Ghalibpur etc. are symbolicof antiquity of Bulandshahr. There are several other important places in the District from where statues of medieval age and objects of ancient temples had been founded. Even today several historical and ancients objects such as coins, inscriptions etc. are preserved in Lucknow State Museum .



    • Modern History

      The first popular alarm of feeedom struggle was sorunded in the bulandshahr district by the nationalist, brave. The gurjaras of Dadri and Sikandrabad area begain distruction of inspection bunglows telegraph offices and government buildings as they were symbols of foreign rule.

  • The replica of Taj Mahal in Dibai, Bulandshahr district-
  • Famous People From Bulanshahr

    1. Satish Kumar(boxer)satishkumar
    2. Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava-Famous Indian Scientist, expert in bioinformatics
      The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh presenting the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology 2008 to Dr. Gajendra Pal Singh Raghava
    3. Anil Kumar Awana-Member of Legislative Assembly
    4. Kushal Pal Singh-CEO of DFL,India’s largest building Estate
    5. Kishwar Naheed-Urdu poet
    6. Anil yadav-artist
    7. Om Prakash Tyagi -Founder of Arya Vir Dal
  • Recent Happenings

    1. The Bulandshahr District Magistrate B Chandrakala in Uttar Pradesh gained instant fame on social media after a video which showed her scolding civic officials and contractors for sub-standard road construction went viral on the internet.
    2. Bulandshahr loses vultures due to extensive use of pesticides.

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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