Things to keep in mind before you pick a B-grade BMS college.


BMS is a very difficult course to crack and if you don’t agree to what we say ask the students who just got their Sem 5 results. For other BMS aspirants and those in F.Y.BMS or S.YBMS here are a few things you must keep in mind, since you have decided to take up the course and pursue it from a college that’s below the ‘A grade’ accreditation.


  • Not all colleges that have a grade lesser than A are bad. 
  • Since you are from a college that has a grade lesser than A there is no guarantee about the level of faculties you might get. Be prepared to study on your own or spend fees on coaching classes, especially in your final year.
  • The kind of students studying with you would not always be BMS material. Believe me the kind of efforts and intelligence required by BMS student is very high and you won’t realise that unless you reach your 5th Sem. In cases where you feel the crowd is awful, you have no choice but to face it. Don’t lower your standards whatever the case may be.
  • Grooming plays an important part if you are a BMS student. In small colleges this is one aspect where least attention is given. Try to work on it, yourself.
  • When you have your friends boasting about their AC classrooms with state of the art projectors and laptops for showcasing presentations you might be stuck with lappy’s that don’t work and projectors that look like they were purchased decades ago.  Be prepared to carry your own laptops as far as possible.
  • While other college faculties are busy giving students question banks that useful for cracking exams, you might have faculties who don’t have any idea about the subject they are teaching.
  • The university forms might come to you at the end and unsupportive administration staff might make life thoroughly miserable especially during university exams.
  • Lack of extracurricular activities and BMS related seminars or events will have you crest fallen because it is these personality shaping events that give you the required boost to your personality.

With so much that can go wrong there is always a glimmer of hope for a supportive college and helpful teachers, if you get that then it’s your luck but if not be ready to face it! Share with us any similar stories or incidents that you have gone through because of your college, you never know you might get a lot of supporters and sympathisers for your sob story. 


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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