Things You Need To Know About Using Hairspray’s!


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Most of us are ignorant when it comes to our hair-sprays,which ones to select and the do’s and dont’s. It’s vital to grasp the basics about the do’s and don’t of hair spray technique.


When it comes to styling prefer to use aerosol sprays because you get more control and better coverage.Non aerosols tend to produce more of a wet look. For naturally curly-hair, non-aerosol sprays are an ideal alternative to gels.


Used to thicken, volumize, or add texture, styling hair spray has a medium-level hold, and often features a heat-protecting ingredient. “Styling hair sprays works great with updos and bouncy curls,” says Chad.


The strongest hold, finishing hair spray should only be spritzed after you’re done styling and want to keep everything in place. Most finishing hair sprays include shine-boosting ingredients to add a healthy sheen to your look.


Light hairspray prevents flyaways after a blowout and won’t weigh down fine strands, but you need medium-hold if you’re trying to tame thicker, heavier hair or create lose waves or a soft bun. Strong and extra-strong hair sprays are for hair you don’t want to move at all, such as wedding updos, slicked back ponytails, and French twists.

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Top3 Advises:

1. The most common mistake when applying hair spray is spritzing too closely.You  should hold the nozzle at least 12 to 14 inches away from your head.  Keep a steady stream while misting for overall hold. You want to create an even mist—don’t use it like bug spray!” Another no-no? Over-application. Using too much will create an unattractive helmet effect. If left in too long, the spray can be difficult to remove and your locks will dry out due to the high alcohol content.

2. When you want to keep curls tight, use a medium-hold hair spray after you’ve finished with the iron. Never spray product on your hair while it is on the iron.The alcohol and heat will fry your hair—It’s one of the worst things you can do!

3. To prevent frizz and fly away , spritz hair spray onto the palms of your hands and gently smooth the hair down with your hands.This technique will keep you from over-saturating the hair with product.Too create a flexible hold and boost shine for blowouts, apply a light spray to the brush throughout the blowout process,” says Chad. “This will create more volume and bend in the hair for a soft, natural look that lasts.”

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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