This Article On Best Childhood Games Is The Best Thing To Read On Internet Today


best childhood game

Alas! This word ‘childhood games’ fills our mind with hundreds of memories. Our parents taking us out to parks, our first cycle, and our first day in school, our first friend who is with us even now, our craze for chocolates and ruffles, school picnics, favorite teachers, etc.

But the most important part of everyone’s childhood is playing. While some are super lazy and miss the fun of playing games in their childhood. But majority of people have loved to play games in their childhood. The favorite games which children love to play are –

  • CHOR POLICE [thief and police] where in one child becomes the police and others become thieves and the police has to search them and punish for their crime.
  • HIDE AND SEEK- in this all the children hide in different places and one child has to find them.
  • LUDO- it is a very popular board game amongst kids. It is a 2-4 player is played using a dice and tokens of different colors for each player.
  • CARROM- it is a worldwide famous game. It is a game full of fun and very engrossing.
  • CRICKET- well this game is rather famous among the boys. All boys are sports fan since birth especially cricket except some. Girls too love cricket but not majority.

We all know these games and like them only if we were born in 90s or before that. Nowadays children prefer playing indoor games rather than outdoor games even though there are better facilities available for playing. Big playgrounds, huge courts, etc.

But now the lifestyle has changed and it is a result of advanced technology. With the availability of variety of video games children have completely stopped to play outdoor games. And the trend has been changed drastically. Nowadays children learn to operate cell-phones in their childhood itself. In some cases parents’ themselves give their children mobile phones to listen to music and play games so that they sit quietly and do not disturb them while they busy working.

With the changing trend the habits are also changing and the lifestyle is more stylized now.

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Afifa Qureshi