“This is not the end, but a beginning of a new end” says Varun Rajeev Kulkarni, TYBMS Topper 2013, K.V. Pendharkar College


After Completion of graduation I feel, “This is not the end, but a beginning of a new end.”

2013-06-12 10.03.25


Aggregate %-    72.58%                
Project Grade-      O     
Electives chosen in Sem 6 – Investment Analysis Portfolio Management. [IAPM]
Did you take Coaching? If yes, which classes?
Yes, the class I joined for  6th sem was Navigator Tutorials which was of great help in preparing thoroughly well for the exams. More importantly after studying in these classes there was no any sort of fear regarding the examinations.
Extracurricular activities/Hobbies/Achievements-
I like traveling, listening to music, reading newspapers, playing table instrument & taking part in various social events.
Fondly known as (name) in the college group – “Topper”
Ambition in life- Want to be a successful person in life. My most important ambition is that I want to be a ICC level Cricket Umpire.
Most memorable moment in BMS-
Each & every moment spent in my 3 years of College life with teachers, friends & well wishers.
Funniest thing you did in the BMS course –
In FYBMS in the Business Communication subject madam had asked groups to prepare a skit on any issue. Our group had taken a serious issue on how military & jawans without fearing about their own lives protect our Country. The skit was prepared but when it was presented before the class the serious skit got Comical with everything messing up. This was the funniest thing I ever did in My BMS Course.
Define BMS in 1 line –
A graduation course which along with offering a degree brings about the good changes in the personality of the student.


1)      Which factors were considered in mind while selecting the Sem 6 Electives/Optional subjects?

  • Most Important factor was what was to be pursued in post graduation.
  • Liking about a particular subject. For eg: I have a liking for Finance as a subject from very beginning.
  • Only liking was not be considered but the capability that I can do justice to the subject & study well for it in future was also considered.


2)      Did you use BMS.co.in for your exam preparation? Which sections of BMS.co.in   helped you?

Yes, I used BMS.co.in site for exam preparation as the site provided certain important inputs about the exam like important questions, blogs of authors of textbooks which helped me to understand what were the expectations of authors & teachers from us the students while writing the answers in the examinations.

3)      How do you feel to be a consistent topper in both Sem 5 and Sem 6 exams?

When I had secured the first position in college in the 5th semester I was myself surprised. From that very day I kept in mind This not the end of the world, lots more has to be achieved. My teachers & my parents always helped me around reminding me that Confidence is good but Over confidence is Evil. I did no different in 6th semester than what I had done in 5th but this time around I had belief in myself & enthusiasm that I have to achieve something. I would always motivate myself with one sentence, “Achieving  Top position in life is easy…. But Maintaining the same top position is difficult.”


4)      Behind one topper are many people who stood by him/her during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?

Throughout my last year of BMS I was always supported in the good & bad times by first & foremost my parents who would always motivated me to forget the past, live in the present & think positively about future, Secondly our college BMS coordinator professor CA Jayshree Karve madam who is a real source of inspiration for me & my success. All the professors of my college who taught me not only the subjects for exams but through their teaching  inspired me to know & improve my personality. Last but not the least I would also like to mention my friends with whom I could share my good & bad experiences & always had their support & help in times of difficulties.


5)      What is your message to the aspirants?

For the aspirants I would like to say, stay focused, work hard, celebrate your success, but never ever get blown away by it as its just a small milestone in life & many more better & bigger things of success is to come in the near future. Be ready to face challenges & don’t always worry about the outcome or the result. Just keep working hard & the Good results will follow.

Personally I always keep in mind that “This is not the end, but a beginning of a new end.”


6) What was your study plan?

I had no study plan fixed in place as such. In my classes I had opted for two subjects International Finance & Operation Research. So the practical sums of these two subjects were practiced & covered in classes. Rest about the theory subjects I used to read chapters from the textbooks so as to get a fair idea about the particular chapter. After doing so I used to try & answer the questions behind every chapter. If need be I used to prepare my own questions & test myself whether I could answer them or not. When the exams were nearly a month away I started reading answers question wise. This helped in gathering important questions from each chapter & revising it. For the elective subject IAPM, myself & my friends used to practice the sums together & would solve our doubts within ourselves. Through this method I was able to be in touch of each & every subject through out the final semester.


Subjects Name – Source of your preparation

International Finance: Vipul textbook

Operation Research: Navigator tutorials notes

IAPM  : Practical sums were practiced from Navigator Tutorials notes & theory, Vipul publication

Entrepreneurship: Rishabh publication.

IMTP: Vipul Publication.

International Marketing: Rishabh Publication.


7) Marks of every subject

Entrepreneurship:        72/100

Operation Research:    75/100

International Finance:  76/100

IMTP:                          67/100

IAPM:                         73/100

International Marketing:  74/100

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