Those Tiny Pleasures Of Being A Writer And Why I Want To Share Them With You…



“The True alchemists do not change lead into gold, they change the world into words!” – William. H. Gass

Very truthfully put, writing is a passion which can only be understood by a select few. The joy of being able to create imagination where nothingness existed, the joy of being able to express your deepest emotion and most difficult feeling, sharing it with the world and in the process being able to connect with a million soul’s through nothing but simple yet eloquent words.

The second most loved feeling to a writer, (the first being writing) is being read and loved for your work! Getting a platform where your true worth is recognized, valued and cherished. People resort to blogging these days for that, that’s the easiest way they feel to attain all those innumerable joys of expression and receiving appreciation but building up a blog is such a tedious process and eventually you end up letting go because unless you keep working on it consistently for a very long time you just don’t get the amount of viewers.

We writers also have a tendency in common we tend to share a lot about writing with our friends, family or anyone we meet. Partly because we cant stop talking about our passion and partly because we are constantly hunting for those few like minded people who will understand us. 

A close friend of mine, knew about my passion and came across a vacancy for something similar! An opening where they wanted writers to join in and even though I was simply bogged down with an enormous list of  work something forced me to take it up. The website in question had been my constant companion throughout the past two years of college life, teaching me everything about the course to the perfect outfit for my college parties.

I took up the opportunity and it gave me everything that a writer would wish for! I turned into a full time content writer, and learnt where my skills were lacking. I connected with millions of people through an established web presence the site offered, that my poor blog kept struggling with since about a year.

In life isn’t it important to find out what you love and pursue it? Make a career out it so that you simply love whatever you do, I got the opportunity and I grabbed it. Maybe it was destiny, maybe my love of writing that helps me grow and improve everyday.

Chasing your dreams is a beautiful feeling and as a writer I learn this with every new piece I key down. You could have this opportunity too! I still work with the same website and would like to share the opportunity I got with all of you aspiring writers/bloggers. (P.S. we cover a lot more than academics, so send in a mail to [email protected]) 

Yes, we are crazy, eccentric at times, moody and emotional beings most of all we are writers at heart and no one can take that away from us! 

Are you passionate about writing / blogging? Do you think your writings have the power to motivate someone? Are you creative in expressing your thoughts through words? Wanna own a blog/website/publication in future?

If you believe in the power of writing, this role is just for you!

Required #25 Awesome Content writers for The topics will be around the following themes – Technology/ Entertainment / Sports / Politics / Health / Society / Fashion / Food / Youth / Travel / Business / Humor / Careers / Interviews/ Academics / Culture / Current trends. 

Send in your resumes to [email protected] NOW!



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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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