Three New Sub- Rs. 10,000 Samsung Smartphones In India




The budget factor in India is being taken seriously by smartphone makers. South Korean smartphone maker Samsung Electronics has launched three new sub- Rs. 10,000 smartphones in India.

The three devices – Samsung Galaxy Star 2, Galaxy Star Advance and Galaxy Ace NXT – with an offer for free Internet form Vodafone for the first six months for up to 200 MB per month is not an eyebrow raising offer.

The three new devices are launched to provide a larger set of consumers with the experience of superior mobile technologies and richer Internet experience at an affordable price , said Asim Warsi, Vice President, Marketing, mobile & IT, at Samsung India.

Samsung Galaxy Star 2 is priced at Rs. 5,100 and Galaxy Ace NXT and Galaxy Star Advance are priced at Rs. 7,400.

These phones support 12 Indian languages – Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Odiya and Assamese.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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