Timetable changes, result delays leave Mumbai students frustrated


First-year MA Geography students are a hassled bunch, owing to Mumbai university constantly changing their exam schedule.

According to a revised timetable, exams for those who failed the first semester are slated to begin on May 20, as the earlier date clashed with their practical exams.

However, many students are unsure if they even need to give the exam again, as they haven’t yet heard back from the university about the revaluation of their papers. The revaluation applications were sent by the students in February.


“What are we supposed to do?” questioned one student. “We have paid the revaluation fee of Rs500 and the exam fee of Rs650. We didn’t even know about the date being shifted and had to pay a late fee penalty to register for the exams.”

Dealing with the university has become almost synonymous with frustration and uncertainty for students.

Having to give another exam before getting back revaluation results, delayed results, errorridden hall tickets and constantly-changing exam dates: these have now become regular features of the exam season.

One MCom exam had both its scheduled date and time changed more than once with very little notice given to students. As a result, severa candidates reached exam centres late.

A report on exam reforms last year pointed out that “students are most often not informed and authorities fail to specify accurate [results] declaration details”, whilst last year’s NAAC report observed that “declaration of results and revaluation process needs to be expedited”

The teachers’ strike has only compounded the already existing problems, making it likely that results will be delayed this year.

For college students hit by the strike, summer plans have gone haywire.

“Quite a number of us are outstation students and have been away from our homes the entire semester,” said one second-year student.

“We had booked tickets for our departure and made plans with our families. The delay has caused us to cancel them.”






Source: HT

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