Tip of the Day: How To Mattify & Lighten Your Lipsticks?


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 Matte lips are every ladies new love.They  are en vogue for fall and winter, as are matte faces. But what if they look chapped? Pulling off a buffed pucker is tough—especially when blustery winds and dry air threaten your less-than-lustrous finish.However you should learn to master the art of mattifying your lipstick and keep certain things in mind so as to create the perfect look.The best makeup experts in the world love matte too.

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Here are some tips which they have given:-

Matte lipsticks contain more waxes than oils in order to make the lips less shiny—they take moisture from the skin. Some waxes are good, but matte lipsticks are made specifically to make your lips look dry. Wearing matte color for too long will cause your lips to pucker-up and dry out.

There are ways to make your everyday lipstick look matte.To achieve “rich, velvety color makeup maven use concealer as a base, then continuously applies and tissues-off lipstick until she reaches her desired level of matte.

For a more moisturizing base, you can also try an anti-aging eye and/or lip salve. To prime the lip and ensure a smooth application.It hydrates your lips and also reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Matte will look haute and give a perfect finish whereas glossy ain’t something which is working for us so try mastering the look by matifying it and see the difference! The rich and velvety hue is super-happening once you try it its gonna be an every time favourite thing I bet!

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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