Tips for a Rocking start to your FYBMS College Life!


Hello Everyone! We all might be rejuvenating as the colleges start again after a long gap of 3 months. The same old train journey, the same classrooms, professors, friends, presentations, assignments, canteen food come to life again. But this article is dedicated for all those who are entirely new to this life. The ones who are admitted to FY this year.  Our juniors! Lol. Here are some tips for a rocking start to your college life.

  1. On the first day of your college, make sure you reach the classroom well on time. You wouldn’t like to enter the class late on the very first day and see sooo many eyes looking at you!
  2. Find the people whom you would like to befriend in the class. Don’t disclose too much information on the very first meeting.  You can talk upon the current affairs and things which matter to the student community.
  3. Don’t send friend requests to your new friends on the very first day itself. Let 3-4 days pass, connect with them on facebook only when you feel it’s appropriate to.
  4. Be very friendly with the professors and interact with them in the lectures. This will help you to create a good bond with them and also indicate your class participation.
  5. Involve yourself in the different clubs and committees in your college. This will help you to make new friends and will also enhance your personality overall, as you get to know more people.
  6. If possible, become the Class Representative of your class. It helps a lot in enhancing your management skills and you get a lot of advantage if you become one.
  7. Become friends with the office staff and the peons as they are of great importance in the 3 years of your college life. Just a simple “Hello” or “Kasakaay?” will help you to form a bond.
  8. Actively participate in the class proceedings. But don’t debate and argue if there’s a discussion going on in the class as this will create a stubborn image of you.
  9. The canteen is the most happening place in every college. You will get to know a lot of people there.
  10. Just keep one thing in mind. The next 3 years of your lives are gonna rock. Choose the friends you know you are going to be comfortable with.. We are known by the company we keep. Make the best out of your college life!

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Hoshang Pathak
A big Hello to everyone out there! This is Hoshang. An 18 Year old BMS student from K. J. Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce. I would describe myself as fun-loving, happy-go-lucky, optimistic, ambitious, hard working, goal oriented blah blah blah and the list continues.. My biggest ambition in life is to make it big in the corporate world and be a successful person altogether. I am an avid reader and a keen follower of Politics. If given a chance, I would like to see myself as a catalyst in India's growth in the real sense and work for the under privileged children of our country. That's it for now. Until then, Take Good Care of Yourself! :)


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