Tips for all BMSites to ensure you don’t cry ‘Khoon ke Aansu’ like your Seniors!


With the 2013-14 batch that is appearing for their last year being given a rude shock by the university!


Here we present the ‘Top 10 Must Knows’ for all those F.Y’s and S.Y’s, so that they don’t have to cry the “Khoon ke Aansu” like their seniors.

khoon k aansu 

1Respect your faculty; they can screw your internal marks.

2. Attend college; you will value it when those 5 marks for attendance get you off from a KT!

3. Study hard, at least in T.Y, even if you have the best coaching classes or most fabulous faculties, they cannot make you study.

4. Be serious with your project, those 200 marks literally make you weep tsunamis when it lowers your percentage in the result.

5. Don’t try and mess with the university! They might just drop an FM bomb; give you a paper that’s the toughest in the past 12 years and award you with marks as low as 2-3. Nothing gets more humiliating than that.

6. Even though scaling sucks, work your ass off for internals, you have no idea how badly they can thrash you if taken lightly.

7. Don’t just sleep/ dream/ whatsapp/ doodle in class, be an active participant. Class participation marks are not given to day dreamers.

8. Don’t take practical subjects lightly, solve as much as you can. It can never be enough.

9. Mugging up doesn’t get you past theory! A clear understanding of the concepts and writing meaningful and lengthy answers gets you the marks.

10. Practice the format of writing answers it makes a huge difference in your marks.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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