Tips For Beautiful and Glossy, Gorgeous Hair



Having bad hair days and don’t know how to battle them off? Doesn’t matter if you were blessed with glossy hair or not. There are certain tips which surely do help in working miracles in such stress-stranded situations:-

1) Adjust your hair H2o temperature: Heat is great for cleansing. But since high temps might leave your hair vulnerable, rinse out conditioner with cool water and blast with cool air after drying, to seal the cuticle.

2) Protect from heat: Wet hair is defenseless against hot tools. If you hear your hair sizzling, back off and add a heat guard. It is extremely essential to protect your hair from heat.

3) Use a Salt Mix before dying hair: We all love bright highlights but hate the itchy scalp one gets after dye. Mix salt and water and apply to the scalp at least 15 minutes before lightening.

4) Mixing up your styles: Do not do your pony in the same spot every time. It is said that there is always a risk of breakage with repeat styling. To help, vary position and use gentle fabric bands.

ponytail women

5) Treating your hair with TLC: Hair can snap when wet so apply a drop of oil to ends before working out the knots and start at the bottom.

6) Letting hair air-dry: It’s a good idea to take a hot-tool vacation whenever possible. Maintain control over your styling while hair dries by clipping it in places. To avoid dents, slide a playing card between the clip and your hair.

7) Changing the part: The alarming news is that if you part your hair in the same place all the time, the part can actually get wider. Years of constant pulling and stress create hair loss. So switch yours around sometime!

side parting women

8) Squeeze-drying not towel drying: Rubbing wer hair with a towel can rip the cuticle. Gently squeeze sections instead. You can also use a non-greasy serum that adds a shine.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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