Tips for Personality Development


On 31/01/2011 we had personal development course at Ratnam College which run upto 6 hrs with periodic break. At first we were asked to a make pair of two & sitting on right will pretend as celebrity & on left as his/her anchor. Similarly d roles were reversed. In this way each of us got an opportunity as to imagine themselves as celebrity as well as anchor. This had made the environment friendly & interactive for P.D. course.

First day it included with the followings:

1)      Goal setting.

You set your any goal but the ultimate result of your goal  is happiness. If your destination is not giving you happiness your  that is not your goal what you have thought.

2)      Formula for success:

Goal –action – perseverance- success

(secret of success lies in knowledge & awareness of goal)

3)      Draw a picture of your goal.

There is a major difference between:

What I WANT <—————–>what I have to DO.

4)      Write the goal

This is to ensure that you had freezed your goal coz verbal goals goes on changing from time to time.

5)      VISTA rule( visualization, inspiration, specific, time bound, achievable/action oriented)

Visualize your goal, get inspiration to achieve that goal, be specific about your goal, make time bound to achieve that goal. Make sure that the goal should b achievable & do action to achieve it.

6)      Publicly speak about your goal.

Many people do have fear to keep their views in public. But think twice, if u r so determined towards ur goal & u r so sure that in any way I have to & I will achieve my goal then why do you have this feeling of fear. Just have a think about it. There may be people who will make fun of you but this will just give you positive pressure towards achieving your goal.

7)       Review ( your goal )

Highest possible gaol—————(balance)—————-lowest possible goal

Review your highest possible goal & the lowest possible goal & balance it between the two.

For an example, if you have thought about getting salary of 10,000 & @present you r getting 2,000 then work hard & increment it upto 8,000. This is just a small example to make you understand.

Every person have much more high goals & it should be appreciated. Practically it is impossible to become millionaire for each & every person.  But yes, of course with your hard work & determination along with success formula you can balance it with crore digit.

8)      Flexible

You should be flexible. Like for example if u need to do more hard work as compared to what others had then u must be flexible to give towards  it to achieve your goal.

9)      Goal sheet

Prepare your own goal sheet into category & sub category with long term,  medium term&  short term  goal on it.

In the middle of the session many of us were asked to voluntarily  come up & put the collection of small plastic bolls in the bucket condition that  each person should not repeat the same way of putting balls.

Some directly put the bag of balls into the bucket. Some one by one put the balls with different speed & different time. Some standing near & some at distance had tried to aim balls to the buckets.

This was to make us understand that each & every person have different ways & views to achieve the same common goal( here putting balls in the basket). Some were very easily successful –directly put balls into the bucket. Some partially successful- difficult one, throwing balls from distance, throwing balls facing opposite of bucket & throwing backward.

It taught us difficulty level make life/work more & more appreciable & entertaining. but it should not be so much difficult that we can’t achieve it or very less achieve(facing opposite of bucket). Everything should be balanced.

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