Tips for thick eye-brows



And yes,the thick eye-brows are being style statement now.From runaways to girls next door everything is seen sporting this look and obsessing over it.However ,not all of us are blessed with thick eye-brows. Here are tips on how to work on it:-

For Using Natural Means

1    Redefine your eyebrow to give it a natural, yet pretty look.

2   Take lukewarm olive oil and rub it on your eyebrows at night.

3   Massage it until you feel it warm. It will help you a lot after about 5 days or less, so you can go to the salon and get threading done!

4   This may sound really weird, but you can also try applying a hair gel on the eyebrows to let them dry. Apply small stroke of mascara, because its brown color works for many people.

5   Rub some Vaseline onto your thinner spots or the whole brow at night to thicken them up a bit. If necessary you can add a bit in the day. Just make sure to wipe off any excess to avoid shine.


6   You can also buy a filler. Go one shade darker than your hair color.


Using a Hair Growth Product

1   Choose a product. There are a few options for this method: you can purchase and use a regular hair growth product (such as Rogaine), or you can use a brow-specific growth product. Rapid eyebrow enhancing serum and Ardell Brow and Lash growth accelerator are two popular options of brow-specific growth products.

2   Apply the product to your brows.Follow the box instructions that came with your product. Typically, you wipe the product onto the area you want to stimulate growth, and rub it in. This may vary depending on what you’re using though, so be sure to follow the directions.

3   Wait for the new hair growth. It will take a few weeks before the hair in your brows starts to fill in. Apply the growth product 1-2 times daily until you notice changes.                                                           2014-08-19-17-13-52-471329361


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Riya Lokhande


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