Tips for TYBMS Project Vivas


1)      Read your project thoroughly.

2)      You should know each and every minute detail of your project.

3)      You should be aware of the objectives of the project; what you did and

the results that you obtained.

4)      The questions would be mostly based on what you have done – review, methodology  and findings.

5)      Prepare for the questions like – Why did you chose this project? What did you learn from it? What were the objectives? What are the Limitations? What are the best features in your project?

6)      If there is any current topic going around related to your project, make a note of it.

7)      Also, if you don’t know any question asked by the Project guide, be bold enough to say “I don’t know”.

8)      Abbreviations, meanings of the important words and terms known should be known by you.

9)      Bibliography i.e. books and the writer i.e. you should know which book you have referred for the project and which topic.

10)   Be prepared to justify your ideas and conclusions.

Be prepared, well presented i.e. in formals, stay calm, listen to the questions carefully, don’t answer simply ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to questions; on the other hand do not give a prepared speech and don’t worry. Remember “Aal izz well”.

Project Vivas are simply testing of what you have done in the project and your ability to present it.

Be Bindaas and rock your vivas!! 🙂

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