Tips For Your Lips: Match Your Lip Colours As Per Your Skin Tone


lip color wallpaper

While you are taking a sneak peek at the plethora of lipstick shades available at your favorite beauty store,it is true that it is never an easy feat to make a choice. To help you save some serious time and walk out of there with a color that actually works, heed these helpful hints.

Here, she explains how to choose the right lipstick shade based on your complexion.

Pale Skin:

pink lipstick

Have skin that freckles easily and requires SPF practically 24/7? For very pale ladies with cool, blue base undertones, makeup artists recommend trying out a bright pink lip color.

Steer clear of warm-based shades, like coral and orange.

Olive skin:

red lipstick1

Olive-skinned girls look their best rocking reds with orange bases, points out Papworth. Any lip color with blue undertones certainly won’t do the mouth justice. And we don’t know about you, but we’re all about making that pout pop.

Fair skin:


If you have fair skin with warm undertones, definitely don’t be afraid to play up your pout with a coral or orange lip color. The warmth in the shade will help bring out the warmth in your skin. However, do avoid lipsticks with cool bases, such as cool pinks and reds.

Medium skin:

plum lips

Lucky you! According to most makeup artists, pretty much all lip colors work on this skin type.

Try traditional red if you’re looking for a true classic, as it flatters both warm and cool undertones. Do be careful with extremely dark, rich shades, like burgundy and plum. Sometimes, these colors can be a bit overpowering on medium skin.

Brown skin:

purple lip color

When it comes to lipstick and brown skin, purple is where it’s at, apparently! It is said the go-to shades for this complexion should be grape and rich berry.

The richness in these colors helps to give depth to the skin tone. Stay away from chalky white shades that can contrast too much with your skin.

Black skin:

Zoe Saldana

Fortunately for you, women with black skin can pull off a ton of different lip colors! Whether it’s a neutral peach or a bright berry. However, be wary of lipsticks that are too light — such as frosty pinks and peaches. These will not flatter your skin tone at all.

Tip for bigger lips!

Did you know that deep, dark lip colors like burgundy tend to make your mouth look smaller? For a fuller pout and a more youthful appearance overall, stick to light, bright colors that really pop.


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Riya Lokhande


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