Tips to crack Elements of Logistics Management



Hi Friends,

Logistics is a subject where if you understand the basics, you have understood everything in it.

So make sure that you all go through all the terms mentioned in your Unit 1 part of your syllabus (i.e.operating objectives, demand forecasting, customer service and so on .. see the detailed syllabus). It contains all the basic concepts and terms. Apart from this it will be very beneficial for you if you study certain basic things from every chapter of topic……………

Those are:

1. meaning of the topic

2. scope of the topic

3. importance of the topic.

4. uses of the topic

5. methods of the topic

6. the application of the topic in the industry.

Now for the practical part please read the question twice and check what they are actually asking for. And also see as they must have given all the information somewhere or the other……………. In the questions itself.

Question Banks do help! Prepare a timetable accordingly and cover each and every topic of the syllabus.

Alisha Savla

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