Tips to crack Human Resource Management


Human Resources

This article is dedicated to all those who aim to make their careers in Human Resources.

First of all, to explain Human Resources in few words, I will say it is all about Human Capital Management. The practices that take care of ‘all of our parents going out daily on their respective jobs’. To describe its importance , its like a mother taking care of a child in her womb – the ‘child’ being the ’employees’ and the ‘womb’ is the entire ‘organisation’.

Coming to HRM from an academics perspective, I feel its the only subject which is very much applicable to the real life situations. Just a small discussion with parents as to, say for instance :- recreational facilities at their work place, will help you out with many other related concepts such as motivation, lines to improve employee dedication and so on.

Learning HRM on academics front is of huge importance for an individual before making it happen as your career practically. Doing so you will be able to elaborate your career choices and your capability as to fit in the role.

The common observation is students give HRM a last priority out of the thinking that it is the easy (or even the easiest) subject to tackle with. But as we know, the situations we think of and the situations as they appear to us hold a huge difference. Same is with HRM, to learn HRM seems easy but when it comes to writing on the subject in exams – becomes a tough nut to crack. This is because no other subject is as elaborative as HRM. It is like of the people, by the people, for the people” in its real terms. To be more specific, when you sit down for studying HRM look at it from one perspective and i.e the subject deals with ‘people’, is to be studied being ‘people’ and to be written for ‘people’ with more practical approach.

Doing so, the subject becomes more interesting for a learner.

# As far as the syllabus is concerned, the core HR topics such as Job Analysis, Recruitment, Induction, Training & Development, Performance Appraisal; hold a major importance.

# Now, how you need to prepare these topics is very simple; try to grab the main concepts and relate each and every points with certain practical examples. For instance, an essay question on Induction training process and its importance, can be answered in a better way with the help of an example of an induction training in Wipro, this being in the form of real HR applications. Try to be as elaborative as possible.

# The next difficult aspect is Case Studies. To draft an answer for HR case studies is very easy. Say for instance, a case study on performance appraisal can be linked with other aspects such as motivation, leadership, hierarchical effects,etc. So the point is make sure how you want to elaborate the situation and think of the problems and solutions from your perspective but always stick to the theme line of the case study. A solution to the HRM case study is never considered as wrong. There is nothing like wrong and correct solutions, the subject being highly subjective. The mantra is ‘ try to counter attack the hidden problem in the given case study’ .

# Coming back to its importance in real life situation, HR is one of the growing sector in the industry. This is because no industry can do better without the ‘people’ element and someone to take care of it. And above all, students looking out for HR as a career option are the self-motivated ones. So, I personally do not feel the need to market this subject for your awareness.
The principle for longtime commitment in this sector is
” Let this be in your blood and so your passion”.

Hope this article serves as a motivating and helpful tool for all future HRs.

All the best!

Akshata Khamkar

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