International finance is a subject where your concepts need to be thorough first.
Read the concepts twice and try to write it.
It is a subject in which everything is important.
Write concepts (3 marks) and short notes (5 marks) answers in points.
For theory, focus more on topics like International Capital Markets, GDR, ADR, Bonds (which can come for 8 marks), World Bank (can come for 5 marks). Be clear with the concepts of IMF, SDR, Foreign Exchange.
Constantly practice on the sums of cross rate, arbitrage, interest rate differentials. ( 1 sum is for sure).
Practical problems are for 15 marks. So give more importance to them and read in such a way that you don’t mess up with the steps.
Start with a fresh mind and don’t panic. IF is easy and scoring subject!
You just have to be confident that you can crack the exam.
All the best!!