Tips to crack Operations Research and International Finance


1. Is it mandatory to answer the questions more in financial terms than in general terms?
Ans:- Well it is important to know the concept. Once if the concept clarity is there, the same can be expressed in simple terms. However giving relevant examples would help scoring marks.

2. Does the whole sum go wrong because of the diference of sign(+/-) in the final answer?
Ans:- Though the sum would not be considered right of there exists a difference in sign, however appropriate marks would be given if the sum is done in steps.

3.Does formula carry marks? How many marks does it carry?
Ans:- Knowing a formula is important. However just writing the formula does not ensure marks. The reminder of the sum needs to be right.

4. What is the simplest way to crack IF and OR? Can you give us some tips?
Ans:- The simplest way to crack IF and OR is constant and regular practice. If you are away from the subjects for quite some time, you would tend to forget things.

5. Can you give us some tips for solving the Case Studies.
Ans:- In OR, the case study is generally numerical either from Sensitivity, Crashing or Transportation.
In IF the theory is more a current phenomenon which is occurring in the economy. Like the debt crisis in Europe, the high inflation and its impact on the domestic as well the foreign market, RBI policies, Convertibility of currency, crisis occurred abroad and their impact on the Indian currency and financial systems, FDI, etc. So a broad understanding of things happening around you would help solve IF case studies.

6. How should one prepare for the Theory of the subjects of IF and OR?
Ans:- There is no particular way of preparing for theory in IF and OR. The theory and numerical are all linked. One advice is that you need not mug up the theory. Just understand things and their practical applications. That should be more than enough for theory.

7. What would be the patern of paper this time (both IF n OR)?
Ans:- the pattern of the paper is would be the same that has been followed over the past papers. A glance of the past papers would be helpful. Only in IF, numerical on BOP are to be omitted.

8. What carries more weightage in IF, theory or paractical?
Ans:- Though numerical carry more weightage in OR, however theory carries around 15-20 marks. If there is a conceptual clarity in OR, theory would not be a challenge. In IF, theory and numerical more or less carry equal weightage. So a student needs to concentrate on both.

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Education Qualification: BMS- N M College (University Rank Holder) PGDBM- Sydenham College M Com- College topper Mr Vipin Saboo has been associated with the following institutes as a visiting faculty Lords college, Malad Patkar College, Goregoan Saraf college, Malad Dalmia college, Malad St Andrews College, Bandra Wilson College, Grant Road Thakur college, Kandivili L N College, Kandivili N K College, Malad Dhanukar College, Vile Parle St Xaviers College, Marine Lines Shroff College, Kandivili KES College, Khar Mr.Vipin Saboo also has more than 5 years of industry expertise with corporate like CRISIL, Motilal Oswal Investment Banking and Yes Bank. Mr. Saboo has also published a text book on Logistics and Supply Chain Management for TYBMS Students.


  1. Hey thanks a ton for this tips…
    And 1 morw thing 1 wld like 2 know is that in IF Subject i hav mugged up full theory
    Very nicely…while whn ot comes 2 sums i only know formulas…i donno how 2 solve futher…
    N theory carries 35 marks….so if i attempt only theory for 35mks…n in numerical write oly formulas will do or they give 1st priority 2 sums whie checking papers???? N giv axcordingly marks????
    Pleaseeeee reply

  2. Is there a question bank 4 theory in i.f ?? It would be really helpful if one could be published here.. Likely questions or those that are expected to most likely come in d i.f paper..



  3. Refer IF txtbk of vipul publications-Dipak abhyanakar…
    Easy language hai usme….and just study the impt theory q’s
    Of last five years…..dnt try 2 ovr study cuz tom is lesss…
    Bale thoda padha ho pat vo acche se hona.chaiye rathr than sab kuch par kuch acche se nahi aata……n dont by-heart it…..just understand it……n thn in exams put in own words n elbroate…….1nve again dont by-heart just read it n understand….
    Example- there is an article in newspaper- (regarding sports)…
    V just read it…n if any1 asks v can answrr them as if v only hav written that article
    ..lolzzz hope u understand what i mean….nyways…rock ur paper…n just chilll…dnt b worry…tc

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