Tips to crack Service Sector Management



Hi friends,

Again for service sector the same rule applies where you have give a lot of importance to the basic first chapters as they form the actual base for next chapters.

Friends please give importance to the 7P’s of marketing Product, pricing, communication mix ,Distribution, people, physical evidence, Positioning are very important as it will be very useful to you in the case study and the section Questions………………..

Service sector is one kind subject where you have to put a lot live examples from various sectors and this you will get from the C. Bhattacharya book or from the management paradise notes.

Please make sure that you support your all answers with some relevant examples.

Service Quality, Gap model, Service Recovery and employee holding are some important models that do occurs many times in the case study. And these will also help you in your future as many from us will someday join the service sector and make their career into.

Please take care that at least you people are aware of the various service sectors and at least have some knowledge regarding it all this will not only be beneficial for the exam but in general help you to increase your knowledge further studies and your career

Hope friends you all come out with flying color in your exam…………

Alisha Savla
(BMS Topper of Saraf College)

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