Tips To Get The Nude Makeup Look Right!


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It rightly said that a nude makeup look is polished and pretty and because you’re simply boosting your skin tone, it’ll never appear as if you tried too hard. But you should remember that picking fleshy colors that complement your complexion will prevent you from looking washed-out.

Whether your skin is fair, medium, or dark, these rules will give you the confidence to sport nude makeup:-

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Set the foundation. When there’s not a lot of color to your makeup, an even skin tone becomes all the more important. At the same time, heavy base is overkill. Apply tinted moisturizer or sheer foundation.

Shine (a little). Keep your face from looking flat with a shimmery eye shadow or blush.

Let your skin be your guide. Choose shadow and blush in the same color family as your skin tone, but a shade or two darker.

Go lightly on the eyes. Your lids should take center stage, so brush on a separating mascara instead of a volumizing one, and skip eyeliner.

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Stain your mouth. Lips should be neither overly glossy nor completely matte. Slick on a creamy lipstick or balm, then tap your mouth with your finger—this helps remove excess color for a stained finish.

Eyes: Apply a shimmery shadow in light taupe or peach to your entire lid, and then brush a pale champagne highlighter along the brow bone and around the inner corners.

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Cheeks: A satin-finish honey-apricot blush amps up the warmth in fair skin. Dust it onto the apples of your cheeks, then swirl it back toward the temples. Try these steps and you are all set to look ravishing!


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Riya Lokhande


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